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TeacherFinder goes International

TeacherFinder goes international! The team of TeacherFinder will continue developing additional features, targeting to create the best user experience possible.


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TeacherFinder – Autocomplete, a Better Search

A useful autocomplete feature was added today at the searching capabilities of TeacherFinder. The autocomplete look is as follows…


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TeacherFinder – Online Profiles

From now on, the users of TeacherFinder will be able to submit their own personal profile for one year, at a very low cost. Below, how the profile looks like, when crawled by Google Engine.


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TeacherFinder was launched last night!

After almost one month of coding every single evening after work, the new platform for finding private teachers in Greece was launched last night.

Totally re-factored and with a fresh new look, is hoping to serve the best possible way its users. It is offered completely free and it adopts a post-it like appearance with different colors for each category.


The intention is to continue developing new features for the platform and extend the functionality that already offers. However, it is mainly a hobby for me and thus, there are no guarantees for future deliverables.

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Building a Diskless Cluster

As my internship reaches to an end, I would like to thank Intel for hosting the dissertation for my master degree. During my stay here in Shannon, I found many new innovative directions that could be explored and I had the chance to extend/reveal my skills. Inspired from the field of computer security, with obvious influences from the area of cryptography, I discovered a personal paradise at Intel’s Lab.

How it started

In a nutshell, I built a multi-node diskless cluster that is controlled from a main board and it is able to schedule jobs in parallel. The interesting part comes from the fact that the entire approach is diskless and it shares only a single shared storage point, located at the main board. That in practice means that every processing on the nodes is done on the fly through the network and apparently the operating system is also loaded on the fly by using the Pre-Boot eXecution Environment (PXE) & Tftpboot.

How it finished

The idea behind the cluster was to explore the processing that we could obtain for general hashing operations. There are many open source tools for High Performance Computing and I was more than glad to explore them. Intel Shannon, significantly contributed to the entire project, since it provided me with all the necessary hardware toys and a high-tech lab to setup my system. I would like to personally thank the following people: Benne de WegerPadraic GarveyMichael HennesseyPierre LaurentSergio Borghese and Joseph Gasparakis.

Document:    “A Diskless Cluster Architecture for Hashing Operations”
Presentation:     “A Diskless Cluster Architecture for Hashing Operations (Pres)”

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