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The illusion of “data deletion”

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Switching to a ThinkPad T430

After almost 5 years, I decided to switch from a Macbook to the ThinkPad T430 & install what else, Debian. Quite powerful, very solid, amazing keyboard and with a battery that last for hours.

Thinkpad T430

Thinkpad T430 - First Use

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TeacherFinder got a facelift

Recently, I was working on facelifting TeacherFinder (TF). Tonight, I uploaded the new version which includes a better look & feel, together with some updated features for the search engine.


The majority of the changes were focused on optimizing the respond time for the requested queries. The searches are now performed a little bit faster, making searching on TF much easier. Finally, the visibility for classified ads was further improved and a number of statistics with regards to the TF visitors became available.


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DuckDuckGo, using it almost for a year now.

DuckDuckGo, the minimalistic search engine

I started using about a year back, when I was looking for a good alternative. Duckduckgo is not more than it says that it is! A simplistic, but yet powerful and extensible (via DuckDuckGo Hacks) search engine. An engine that comes with the motto: “We believe in better search and not tracking.” and seems to promote users’ privacy. Explaining how our information flows around, without our consent, creating business revenues.

In general, although that the presented search results are not and can’t be as rich as of other engines, I still made it my default engine. With the provided !Bang I have everything I need for a sufficient and efficient search.

Reasons that I think someone could give it a try:

  1. DontTrack
  2. DontBubble
  3. DuckDuckGo Privacy Policy
  4. …certainly more…
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QAWeb – Using Django via SSH for QA Stats

Today, I finished the basic version of a web tool on which i was working the past few months, named QAWeb. This tool is meant to simplify the presentation of QA statistics. I prepared a demo of the tool, I included a detailed howto and I released the source code under the MIT license for anyone that wants to try it. It was based on an older version of django framework by now (1.4) and it used a number of other open source django modules/apps, so it will need some tuning to get it up and running. However there is adequate documentation and detailed steps included for accomplishing that, as long as you are familiar with the basics of django. Source code and documentation, below:

“QAWeb – “Using Django via SSH for QA Statistics”

QAWeb Statistics

QAWeb Search

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